
US Audit Tool

Security comes first

Because US Audit Tool is used in conducting and analyzing tax and legal audits there was a strong emphasis on application and data security as the system stores very sensitive company data, the leakage of which could have serious consequences. Thus being said we cannot disclose any more details not to compromise application security. However what we can say is that the application consists of two separate databases and backend-applications and clever security solutions that makes it very resistant to data theft and cyberattacks.

US Audit Tool

Technological Challenge

US Audit Tool is a really complicated piece of software and we have encountered many technical challenges during the development. Thanks to the deep understanding of the business goals, well designed architecture and good choice of frameworks we were able to combine a complex data structure with a user-friendly interface. All this results in a stable, secure and easy to use application which allows its users to complete complicated tasks in no time at all.

The project consists of 2 separate Express. js-based backend applications, an advanced serverless Framework-based project used for various tasks like email parsing and generating reports, and two frontend applications made with Vue.js. A very strong emphasis in the application is placed on security - the system stores very sensitive company data, the leakage of which could have serious consequences. In addition, the emphasis is also on application efficiency and architectural solutions. The annual number of users (companies filling in forms) is approximately 200 thousand.

With this application, very complex forms can be generated from scratch, typically consisting of tens or even more than 100 fields that can be configured as desired.

Forms are categorized according to the state to which they are addressed. They are then assigned to the audit groups in which the companies are formed (or imported from CSV files).

Each company applying for an audit gets a special code, which is then used to create an account in the other application to fill in the form. The data from the forms is then analyzed by the client. Furthermore, we have developed an integrated technological support framework based on emails and also, it is possible to generate letters and emails based on templates provided by the client. Moreover, the application enables the creation of complex, configurable reports including company data and statistics.

Fields in an average audit form
Total annual audits
Report customization options

Features which speed up work

As tax and legal audits demand filling often very long forms which might differ from situation to situation we have developed a neat template system which allows users to create form templates consisting of even hundreds of fields in a matter of minutes. Thanks to clean and simple UI users can search and filter audits based on the state they are with and various other criterias. We also developed a smart emailing system which recognises to which company email should be sent based on email content as well as a powerful report generation tool which allows users to create reports of templates using drag and drop.

Thanks to the deep understanding of the business goals, Softwarehood's development team managed to combine a complex data structure with a user-friendly interface.

The software we worked on contributed to the growth of the company, as it not only became a successful replacement for Salesforce, but also significantly decreased costs and allowed to automate a variety of processes that used to take several hours.

The project Was accomplished in a collaboration with DevsData. Due to non disclosure agreement we signed with the client, we cannot publish screenshots of the application.

Main Features

Easy to use template editor for audit formsPowerful search tool which neatly organizes auditsAdvanced emailing system which deducts the receiver based on contentReport generation tool based on drag and dropAutomatic generator of DOCX documentsEmail message generatorMutliple user rolesImport & Export CSV optionsRollback & UndoAdvanced SQL reports supportFast, reliable and secure

Selected Technologies

Express.jsTypeScriptAxiosBcryptMoment.jsServerlessAvaTestcontainersTypeORMPostgreSQLAWSVue.jsNuxt.jsVuexTypeScriptVuetifyAxiosCryptoSASSGitlabGitlabCIJiraDocker and Docker-composeLambda

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