

Classes for the masses

During Skiltoon development we faced a challenge where we had to somehow enable 100+ users to join a single class and participate in it without any problems. Our solution was to use which is web real time communication for audio and video. Integration with this service allowed us to deliver a great and smooth experience for hundreds of users with relative ease and in almost no time at all. Simple yet elegant solution.


Power in simplicity

Using cutting edge technology we were able to create a platform which is easily scalable and maintainable. Well designed architecture provides project great stability and reliability be it platform rush hours or not Skiltoon is always fast and stable. For teachers there is a special feature for running classes on two separate devices simultaneously which enables them to share their screen and use phone camera at the same time which improves the quality of content they are presenting.

Max users on a single video class
Class categories
Days commision-free trial for teachers

Pleasure to use

Skiltoon platform was designed to make life easier for both teachers and attendees. With simple UI users can easily find classes which peaks their interest with ease and on top of that sort them by a few different criterias be it price, ratings or by date they are taking place. Teachers can easily set up recurring classes, prices, maximum number of attendees and more! Thanks to simple yet powerful user interface users can organize one-to-one/group classes, bookings & payments in just a few click. A unique application to share your skills and learn what you like from anywhere, anytime.



The project Was accomplished in a collaboration with DevsData

Main Features

Panel for easily setting up single or recurring classes. Setup a thumbnail, add photos, description and price and you are ready to go!Easy yet powerful UI for searching and filtering classes by interest, ratings, and prices.Video calls with 100+ participants.Ability to conduct classes from two separate devices.Rate and review classes and teachersAccess classes 15 minutes earlier.Total earnings statistics for teachers.

Selected Technologies

Express.jsTypeScriptAxiosBcryptMoment.jsServerlessAvaTestcontainersPassport.jsTypeORMStripeVue.jsNuxt.jsVuexTypeScriptVuetifyAxiosMoment.jsCryptoSASSGitlabGitlabCIJiraDocker and Docker-compose

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