

It's all about Videos

In order to keep users attention for longer periods of time we had to develop a recommendation engine alongside its algorithms. Users must constantly be presented with new content to watch, this content should also be similar to the content they viewed before and on the same topic. In order to achieve this feat we have implemented several algorithms to propose new videos based on users previously watched videos. To make sure all things run smoothly we have a dedicated service just for this purpose. Even if banbye was a technically perfect project, without this feature it would not achieve any success and would quickly be forgotten.


Next-level engineering

Banbye is no small platform by any means, with about 50 000 users visiting and using applications on a daily basis it was a challenge to design a system which would be failproof, efficient and scale well. To ensure that user experience is always smooth and on point we had to design our architecture with stability and scalability in mind. The solution - microservices and dedicated transcoders with flexible and scalable architecture hosted on Kubernetes. We designed systems for autoscaling certain services so it would not waste valuable machine resources when there is low traffic on site and also delegate those resources to services which are crucial in case of rush hours.

Registered users
Users watching videos at the same time
Cheaper hosting costs compared to AWS and GCP

The Outcome

When designing banbye we had few things in our mind. First and foremost was the simple and efficient user interface. We came up with a very simple, clean yet powerful UI which makes platform usage a really smooth and pleasurable experience. Users have power to customize their color scheme alongside choosing dark or light mode for application. Banbye UI comes with powerful features like playlist creator and manager alongside with smart list view where users can save presets for which videos they would like to list. All this translates to a very smooth user experience.



Main Features

Control Panel for content creators.Video uploading and channel management.Video scheduling.Playlist creation and customization.Recommendation system based on view history.Channel feed boardStandard in platform, email and push notificationsChannel subscriptions and donations

Selected Technologies

Express.jsTypeScriptAxiosMongodbRabbitMqRedisAvaTestcontainersVue.jsNuxt.jsVuexTypeScriptVuetifyAxiosFigmaGitlabGitlabCIJiraKubernetesDocker and Docker-compose

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